
Realistic avatars may not include: unrealistic skin colors like yellow, orange, white, etc.; assets like any type of animal ears, tails, or fur on any of your body parts; unrealistic bodies or body deformations; troll avatars; headless avatars; Korblox; and anything resembling the mentioned assets.

You may be allowed to have a dog avatar if you are roleplaying as a K9, under the condition that you may not: talk unless necessary, drive vehicles, or shoot weapons. This only applies when roleplaying as a K9 dog as police with a partner, not in any other team.

Any type of furry avatars is not permitted in our sessions. This is not intended as hate towards any players but is rather due to the fact that it is unrealistic. Using the statement that: "It can be seen as a cosplay, costume, or fursuit" does not give you any advantages or permit you to bypass this rule.

Last updated